
Započeo Telcontar, Avgust 16, 2005, 18:52:27

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Fantastichan album, ali meni najNeomiljeniji...jbg.....

Two For Tragedy

Ja sam vec jednom rekao da mi je number one !
Ostali albumi su mi na 1.01 mestu
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark


sve pesme su dobre
sve je super
ali kod mene ipak no2

naj su mi devil, sacrament, pharaoh!!!
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Winter's Son

Mislim da ste zaboravili Walking in the Air(aaaaaaahhhhh) i The Riddler, a i Passion & the Opera. Sve 3 su mi omiljene
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


najbolji album, ubedljivo najbolji Tarjin glas i produkcija....
Od pesama mi se puno svidjaju Gethsemane, Stargazers, The Pharaoh Sails To Orion, Sacrament Of Wilderness, Passion And the Opera, The Riddler....
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Stargazers je najjaca... mislim onaj pocetak sa bubnjevima i onda kako krece pesma.. i njeno pevanje.. mrak....

Ali i Pharaon je mnogo dobar... volim sto ima grubi muski vocal...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Pa Tarja i Tapio se uvek uklapaju  :wink:
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


ali onaj deo pri kraju kada tarja peva ``aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`` je mnoooogo jak... [pisac misli na pharaoh sails :D]
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Taj deo je jako visok i moze se izvuci jedino ako ako si dobro raspevan...:)
Tesko je pevati i Stargazers ....reci ce vam to i *jedna zena* :)
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Meni je Oceanborn ubedljivo omiljeni album.Po muzici i Tarjinom pevanju.Mozda eventualno ima boljih textova na drugim albumima ali jbg.ne moze i jare i pare
ako neko zna kako se pravilno cita Gethsemane,svaka mu cast.Ako neko slucajno zna sta ta rec znaci,opet,svaka mu cast...svejedno,pjesma je strava!

I pace, alone
In a place for the dead
Overcome by woe
And here, I've grown
So fond of dread
That I swear it's heaven

Oh sweet Mary,
Dressed in grief
Roll back the stone...


gethsemane - selo pored jerusalima u kom se Isus molio veche pre nego shto ga je Juda izdao :wink:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Citat: "PlanetHell"gethsemane - selo pored jerusalima u kom se Isus molio veche pre nego shto ga je Juda izdao :wink:
stvarno ili zajebavas :shock: ?To zaista sad prvi put cujem.jel znas pravilno da procitas naziv?

I pace, alone
In a place for the dead
Overcome by woe
And here, I've grown
So fond of dread
That I swear it's heaven

Oh sweet Mary,
Dressed in grief
Roll back the stone...


ne shalim se, evo proveri

teraj do oceanborn i onda nadji gethsemane... :wink:

nemam pojma kako se izgovara
getseman :?  :roll:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Isus se rodio u Vitlejemu, koliko sam ja upucen?
A izgovara se, valjda, Getsiman, s tim shto bi u originalu to T zvuchalo kao th u death.....po grchkom......


nisam rekao da je to selo u kom se Isus rodio...
pogledaj malo moj post... :wink:

inache mnogo dobri rifovi u pesmi Devil and Deep Dark Ocean.. :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Pardon, ti reche MOLIO, a ja prochitao RODIO.....bolestan sam! :oops:

Anyway, meni je OB nekako...suvishe power-ichan za moj ukus.....a vokali su malo monotoni sa izuzetkom Passion & the Opera, sve je nekako isto, nema experimenata, promene u boji glasa, sve u jednom istom visokom registru, a shto je za ceo album previshe!


Citat: "Baki"Anyway, meni je OB nekako...suvishe power-ichan za moj ukus.....
aha Stratovarius fazon....
Tuomas se tad palio na njih pa je stvorio takav album...
samo sa zenskim vokalima
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


Citat: "fantasmic"
Citat: "Baki"Anyway, meni je OB nekako...suvishe power-ichan za moj ukus.....
aha Stratovarius fazon....
Tuomas se tad palio na njih pa je stvorio takav album...
samo sa zenskim vokalima

hajde sad promisli shta si napisao :roll:  :P
a wilska? to je zenski vokal? :lol:
fanto loodaq 8)
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Winter's Son

Da, ovaj lepo je to znate, ali meni se mnogo svidja ref. u pesmi Gethsemane. Vracjajte se na album i pustite Isusa da pochiva u miru :D
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


e kakvi ste vi likovi,ma OB rules,i definitivno mi je omiljeni album,a tu je negde pored i wishmaster i angels fall first,a jebiga sve je to nekako na prvom mestu...stargazers...la la lala lala... :D
i]*Embrace the silence
And listen to me
Our time is short
And my words are pure
For every song the angels sing
And for every leaf that falls
I will be thinking of you
And I'll blow you a kiss*


isto..jako,jako dugo ga nisam slusao...
previse mi je `brz`..suvise power pesama...
ja sam covek za balade...
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME

Two For Tragedy

Citat: "fantasmic"isto..jako,jako dugo ga nisam slusao...
previse mi je `brz`..suvise power pesama...
ja sam covek za balade...

Takodje,ali mogu da ga uvek slusam!
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark

The Siren

Ne mogu da kazem da li mi je omiljeni,jer.....jednostavno ne mogu da izdvojim nijedan album.....to je Nightwish!!!!!
Ono sto ja mogu da prokomentarisem u vezi ovog albuma,s obzirom na to da se u rifove i te stvari ne razumem, jeste: dvoglasi su odlicni !!!! Recimo odusevljava me drugi deo pesme Passion and the Opera,Gethsemane (kako god se ovo citalo) je veoma zanimljiva stvar,The Pharaoh je m-o-c--n-a....a,da ne pricam o Walking i Swanheart......ma,savrseno........
Still I write my songs
about that dream of mine...

The Siren

Jao, ovaj FANTASMIC ja bas romantican.....Pa,i meni vise odgovaraju balade(mnogo su osecajnije i lepse za pevanje) i Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean me malo nervira....ali........daj,to je Nightwish!!!!!
Still I write my songs
about that dream of mine...


Citat: "The Siren"Jao, ovaj FANTASMIC ja bas romantican.....
Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean me malo nervira
naravno da sam romantican....

dobar je Devil..mada Pharo mnogo bolji
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


Ma bre, bas te brze i jake stvari su i iznele Nightwish...
Balade jesu dobre, ali upravo cinjenica da zenski vocal moze tako da peva ( u metalu ) u kombinaciji sa Wilskom je doprineo da "Oceanborn" bude bolji nego sto je iko predvidjao...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]

Two For Tragedy

Aha...slazem se .Mada ne potpuno.Na dvd-u pricaju o tome kako su tek posle Sleeping Suna poceli da privlace paznju stranoj (prvenstveno Nemackoj) publici.Al dobro nema veze !
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark

Idiotic Mind

OCEANBORN je prilicno jaak album,mislim dosta bolji od AFF
passion and the opera je takoo odlicna pjesma,Tarja je jos jednom dokazala da je opera sa metalom jedna rajska mjesavina ,jer da nije te pjesme ja bih ...jebo bi im mater,treba snimat vise takvih stvari gdje se njen glas istice do NEBESA
i devil and the deep dark ocean je ....extra,ja bez nje ne mogu ni dana jednog,joj kad pocnu da vriste,odnosno tarja da vristi,totalno ludilo... :twisted:  :evil:

balada kao swanheart je balada koja odise savrsenstvom bez granica...
all those beautiful people.... :lol:
Half eaten by insects

The Siren

Ma o Swanheart ne vredi ni pricati......bajka.....bajka!
Still I write my songs
about that dream of mine...