Nightwish textovi

Započeo Illusionist, Novembar 26, 2005, 17:39:49

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


znate li sve textove?
ja znam 70-80% a i ove koje ne znam, nabadam, pa neshto pogodim, a nesto ne.. neshto promashim za 360stepeni :lol:

jeste li imali ispale sa textovima...

tipa Orchid kids, blinded stare - a ja ti chujem "All the kids blindid stare''
Nemo sailing home

Moja verzija:
Nemo sailier

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
ima josh provala, samo shto ne mogu da se setim :lol:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


uh, tih provala sa textovima uvek imam, ugl imam svoju verziju texta sto znachi da ona obuhvata i rechi koje u engleskom i ne postoje, al nevermind, vazno da se peva....lalalala :lol:
img][/img].::passive aggressive::.[size=9][/size]

.::bzavtzi shel rul d wrld::.


da, naravno, izmislim 50%rechi...
ali hvaljen nek je internet i lyrics koje mogu da se nadju :lol:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


da, ali ja i kada skinem textove nikad ih ne chitam, jer ne mogu da sedim za kompom i pratim text uz pesmu, mrzi me, ugl. uz muziku ili skachem ili radim neshto.... :lol: a i draze su mi moje verzije, hah.... :lol:
img][/img].::passive aggressive::.[size=9][/size]

.::bzavtzi shel rul d wrld::.


uh ja pola tesktova ne znam....mislim znam pola zato sto ih pevam u bendu i pevam za sebe a drugu polovinu i znam i ne znam poa nabadam reci... :D
@enchantress: vidis ja to vec mogu da radim....:D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Znam sve textove napamet, ukljucujuci i finske textove, i Christabel i Bless the Child govorancije, i skoro ceo govor John 2 Hawksa


Citat: "Baki"i skoro ceo govor John 2 Hawksa

na onom indijanskom ili prevod?!  :shock:

Joj, ja se uvek upiskim od smeha kad odem na onu temu 'misheard lyrics' na oficijelnom sajtu!  :lol:  Tu ima provala do yaya i uvek mi ulepsaju dan!
Iju, taman posla da znam sve textove napamet... :oops:
Znam Kuolemu na finskom napamet  8)  ali mnogo je uvrnuto pevati
na takvom jednom jeziku koji ne poznajes uopste... :shock:
nekad brljam i one koje znam 100% jer ne razmisljam mnogo... :roll:  :lol:

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


Ma ne znam mnogo tekstova...znam samo tekstove za one pesme koje
mnogo volem :D
ver felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Idiotic Mind

ne znam ni ja sve tekstove
i meni je jaako mrsko da sjedim ispred kompjutera i ucim
nisam imao nekih provala,uglavnom kad procitam jednom ja se sjetim o cemu pjevaju otprilike
sjecam da sam ONCE album prvo sluso mjesec dana samo muziku
znaci textovi nista
i tek onda sam naucio sve textove sa tog albuma
osim one na finskom
Half eaten by insects


But what are we if not the pieces of a puzzle?
With no heart, no dreams, no peace to startle.
A puny wit of handful laws, by humans it is mostly host
And it grips the way our lives walk, down the straight narrow road.
Grip my arms tight, tie my tongue ,sheathe my lie, for I see what nature in humans hide.
And what are we if we don't fall in?
Into place of living constraining, into something so obscurely, into nothing.
And there we are something. We are either giving or taking.


sugurno jedno 95%!
a imala sam i ja provala s textovima;mada cesto ih menjam kako se meni vise svidja....haha

kad se setim neke provale napisacu!
color=red][size=24]NIGHTWISH FOREVER[/size][/color]

[size=24]N I G H T W I S H
N I G H T W I S H[/size]

Old love lies deep,you said......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


znam i ja govorancije u btc i btotb
ali ne znam recimo stargazers celu... nema pesme koju bas ne znam celu... uglavnom ako nista, bar refren znam :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Meni se desava da promasim strofu :lol:
e Patrice, majonez nije instrument.
Ne Patrice, nije ni rotkvica.


znam skoro sve textove napamet zajedno sa onim koji su na finskom! :D
color=gray]...  You're all I ever wanted
There's just pain
Without you  ...[/color]

[size=20]...  And I can't go on without you
But some things come between us,
My love  ...[/size]

...  The sound of your breath
The smell of your hair
The touch of your golden skin
They keep me awake  ...


Come bless the child one more time-GOD bless...

(u elvenpath) Long ago,in the early years-Long ago,nearly earth(?!)

Come wet a wedow's eye-Come WITH a wedow's eye

(u she's my sin)Lead astray the gazers-In the sense of razors   (haha)

(u away)Everywhere's just a journey away-Every death is just a journey away  (mada,to mi se i svidja)

(u lappi)Dismal are the mirrors of a wolf-These words are the mirrors of a wolf

ima ih jos....napisacu uskoro! :)
color=red][size=24]NIGHTWISH FOREVER[/size][/color]

[size=24]N I G H T W I S H
N I G H T W I S H[/size]

Old love lies deep,you said......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Winter's Son

Znam sve, ama bash sve Once-a.....
@ planet: E, pa ja znam Star CELU(malo je je*ena)

Ali najzeshcje mi je bilo kidanje kad sam bubao txt za Crownless.........umirao sam kakva je moja verzija bila pre prochitanog txta......znachi je bila sasvim druga pesma

Mine is the earn in the song in the stole
Mine is the from for the iron
One fleerting moment and it's all gone

zakuni se kakva je to nebuloza, havarija, ali shtacjesh kad ti "misteriozno" nestanu kablovi/prikljuchci za net, hehe......
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


Ja u Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean umesto 'prophecies of becoming floods' uvek cujem 'prophecies of becoming flies. I onda se pitam kakve veze imaju muve sa okeanom...  :lol:  :roll:  :shock:

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


Najjaca je fora sa zvanicnog sajta tj. foruma :

No matter how cold the wind and the rain
Ill be there to piss on your grave ( Iz Beauty and the beast )
Sacrifice me to the carrot ( Iz Tutankhamen )
Master! Apprentice! HardPorn! Seamen seeker ( ili Stiven Sigal ) ....
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Citat: "Telcontar"Najjaca je fora sa zvanicnog sajta tj. foruma :

No matter how cold the wind and the rain
Ill be there to piss on your grave ( Iz Beauty and the beast )
Sacrifice me to the carrot ( Iz Tutankhamen )
Master! Apprentice! HardPorn! Seamen seeker ( ili Stiven Sigal ) ....

hhahahahhahahahhah  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
e Patrice, majonez nije instrument.
Ne Patrice, nije ni rotkvica.


heheh, ti sa officijelnog sajta su preterani!
kome treba doooobra doza smeha, eto preporuke.. 8)

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


color=red][size=24]NIGHTWISH FOREVER[/size][/color]

[size=24]N I G H T W I S H
N I G H T W I S H[/size]

Old love lies deep,you said......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:



''Time pays us but with earth & dust''-
I thought he says ''Time pays us with 1 peso (the valute in Argentina I think...)''

When I was listening to Wishmaster today I was almost sure I heard:
"In me the dishwasher!"  

A dentist!
Seven Seater!
In me the wishmaster!
:lol:  O boze...

Master-a dentist-hard porn-seven seeker-warrior-disaple-in me british monster"

Elbereth and Sla-Mori ----> Oilbread and Celery

ever dream
Turn loose the heaven within --> Turn loose the heavenly beams
CREAM of me"

I always thought that White Night Fantasy sounds a bit funy...
"A giant dress came to me..."

Walking In The Air:
Wrong: "A rosy nose of mighty monster."
Right: "Arousing of a mighty monster."

Ghost Love Score
Real: I have lost the path before me
Wrong: I have lost a party for me
(neko je cuo i 'I have lost a puppy for me'  :lol: )
first of them true loves.. singing UNDER SHOWER.. of an angel without care for love 'n' loss".
"My glove will be in you"

end of all hope- end all the incest"
"it will end with a burp"
Real: Mandylion without a face
Wrong: An idiot we got face :lol:

End of love -- End of blub  :shock:  :lol:
End of time -- End of tiger-ess di seilence  
(The rest is silence)
i jos
"Where is the mustard?" instead of "In heaven my masterpiece..."

In Dark Chest Of Wonders:
Really: "All the burden's gone"
I heard: "Oh, the bird has gun"

And Beauty of the Beast
In a tree (dream), timeless domain
A saint blessed me, drugged me deeply  :lol:  

Nemo: Walk the dark path
Walk the dog, Beth.

In Dead Boy's Poem: "Walk within my palm tree" instead of "Walk within my poetry"
an oklie doklie - an ugly ducking

kinyslayer - 'good wombs have born bad sons' ----> +good dwarfs have worn bad socks'  :shock:
"Orchid kids flying stairs..."

In "Feel for you" instead of "bedroom scent" I heard "petrol scent".
"...just give into it never drink again, I feel for you..."

Prepared to paint him for when I lay...
Waiter's thrall, Doctor Coal, but to have the price of the night...
...drunken disciple who betrayed me for rrrraaaaagggghhhhh
Lashed him, sears this small touch, my bliss
Beauty of this ghastly dogbutt

"your Virgin Mary undone" in WIHAA... "You were to marry your dog"

Dead To The World -> Tattoo The World

'oracle of the delphian domine' in stargazers ---> 'oh i can hear an airplane coming in

over the hills and far away -  'over the hills and far away, the teletubbies come to play'

bless the child
'why is it the dentist said twelve asylem tooths,now unless we have a good time , we seem to have free dental care from human pain.  :shock:

The Riddler"
Riddler, Riddler ask me why the berks will free all magga of sky
Ask me will the ghost will whizz as the ever sticky scream begins...

elvenpath:  "elvinbath"

In "Creek Mary's blood," it says "Once, we where here, where we have been, since the world began, since time itselg gave us this land" or something.
I thought it said: "Once, we were bears, and we have been since the world began, since time itlsef gave us our lambs..." Very sick.

Planet Hell:
"A deep world, a dark bed" ( "A dead world, a dark path" )

Oh how I wish for soothing rain' ----> 'Oh how I wish, for soup in vain'

to je to...  :wink:  :D

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


e a jeste li primetili da tarja u wishmasteru uvek peva

Whishpers a wish speaks with the stars...
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Da, hehe, meni je ti tako slatko!  :wub:

Ja sam stihove iz STD cula ovako:

'I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow
sorrow and cream'...

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


Citat: "enchantress_of_gloominess"uh, tih provala sa textovima uvek imam, ugl imam svoju verziju texta sto znachi da ona obuhvata i rechi koje u engleskom i ne postoje, al nevermind, vazno da se peva....lalalala :lol:

pricaj mi o tome :lol:
e Patrice, majonez nije instrument.
Ne Patrice, nije ni rotkvica.


Evo, mogu bez ikakve false modesty izjaviti da znam apsolutno sve tekstove: albumi, bonusi, govorancije... Neke tekstove sam znala prije nego Å¡to bih uopće i čula pjesme, kao Å¡to je bio slučaj sa Century Child albumom. Nisam mogla dočekat da ga napokon dobijem, pa sam proučavala lyricse cijele dane...  :D
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?


ja sam jedan deo iz beuty of the beast cula ovako:

sharing the same helmet weeeee.....

Winter's Son

"We are sailing home
We are letting goooo", npr.

ili> "They called my name forevermore....."

ili u DSC>"Blessed with the deepness I lived complete"

"Seventh Seson" u WM

"The wonderer" umesto "The one to know" u The Riddler

"Ever felt away in me" >ED :roll:
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


ma shelobina je najjacha
shelobina, legendo!!!!

setih se u tutankamenu

pleasure of tutankhamen :)
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Ever felt away in me,,, to sam i ja razumela!
Fala bogovima pa postoje lyricsi na netu....

ja sam u she is my sin chula sledecje:
"Take head dear heart ...."

a da ne pricham koliko sam u elvenpath tek brljavila sa textom.....
i]*Embrace the silence
And listen to me
Our time is short
And my words are pure
For every song the angels sing
And for every leaf that falls
I will be thinking of you
And I'll blow you a kiss*