
Započeo Maza, Decembar 22, 2007, 23:28:38

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Dakle, ja otvaram ovu temu zato sto nam je sajt malo zamro...  :|
Tek malo pre je dodato brdo vesti ali ja mislim da bismo jos dosta toga mogli da popravimo na njemu... tipa da se doda nesto u sekciju za download ili u galeriju, da se napisu jos neki tekstovi, da se dopuni istorija...itd. mozemo da damo neki predlog da se naprave majice pa da se reklamiramo... ili ne znam sta vec...
imate li vi jos neki predlog?
ko sve zeli da ucestvuje u odrzavanju sajta?  :D
mislim evo ja cu prva... ;) ko hoce da mi pomogne?
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


Nijedan komentar za sajt? :|

Tz tz tz
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


super izgleda....meni se svidja ta boja :D
nista od pomoci.... :|
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


eeeeeeeee ljudiii :D pa super je novi sajt!!!!

hocu reci, dizajn! sad cu da pogledam detaljnije!

a jeste, sramota, zapustismo mi to malo  :|

e ovako, malo sam procunjala, i imam nekoliko predloga:

galerija je prilicno zastarela, malo bi to trebalo srediti, jos uvek stoje slike od 6. januara :shock: znam da su lepe, ali mogli bismo dodati i one sa proslih okupa :/

zanima me fan art, ko je radio one crteze? kako to dopunjete?

vesti su super odradjene, svidja mi se i biografija i sve, mozda bi mogli da napravite former members pa da stavite tacu i samija?

eto :)


Pa imas former members

Idi u meniju gore na The bend > members > ex-members
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


a je l'? ja sam gloopa :D

a sta bi sa tim fan artom?


Svidja mi se "underwater" dizajn.  :D
Mogao bi i forum tako izgledati, ako te ne mrzi.


Koliko ja znam, nesto od toga je Vorador radio...

Sto se tice slika sa okupa, neka neko okaci negde i ja cu ubaciti u galeriju.

Ubaceni textovi za DPP.
Ubacena nova NW biografija sa slikama >
Ubaceni linkovi za myspace i za chat (community meni)

@ Islander - kad prodju praznici, videcemo.
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


ooo bas lepo, pa mislim da bi mogli da se svi dogovorimo oko slika sa okupa :D

a sta kazete?


pa moze...
saljemo NInoslavu sve sto imamo...mada ja mislim da Maja ima najvise toga :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Ubacen sistem za arhivu koncerata...

Klik hir
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Angel Of Light

svaka cast!!!dizajn je fenomenalan!!!ewo ja se javljam za pomoc,sta god treba vicite :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Angel Of Light

super :) zasto download sekcija ne funkcionise? :(
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Polako, doci ce i to na red...

Zavrsen update dela diskografije

Discography > Tapes

Imacemo najobimniju NW kolekciju!
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Angel Of Light

i treba :)

oki,mogli bi i da osvezimo download sekciju :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Discography > Singles

19 komada!

Sutra dodajem detalje za svaki od njih!
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


Discography > Vinyls

Potpuno sredjen deo za ploce i osvezen. Sva izdanja na plocama, ukljucujuci i Amaranth
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


niiiiiiice.... :)
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Testiram povezivanje sajta i foruma...

Pogledajte meni levo i dole na

Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


ti si se bas naradio... :)
svaka cast ;)
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

Angel Of Light

ovo je fenomenalno!!!!!!!!
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Angel Of Light

pa ovaj meni sto si uradio :) i ova diskografija :) i ovo sa spotovima :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


A to je tek pocetak...
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Angel Of Light

ako ovako nastavis,bice extra :) sve pohvale :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Dodata 2 downloada na sajt:

Anette Olzon winamp skin

Dark Passion Play Nokia Theme

Edit: dodato jos 11 winamp skinova >
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


Kao ime jednog od skinova ti pishe Tara umjesto Tarja. :) Izvini shtro cjepidlachim, al' mi stvarno bode ochi. :) Inache, svaka chast, stvarno si se potrudio i jako lijepo izgleda.

I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.